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Couch White’s expert attorneys in construction and litigation release memo on New York State Department of Labor Contractor Registry Department’s new policy. Effective December 30, 2024, New York Labor Law section 220-i will require all contractors bidding on public work, and subcontractors providing services to such contractors, to register with the New York State Department of Labor (DOL) Bureau of Public Work. Contractors must register with DOL prior to submitting any bids and must submit a DOL certificate of registration with the bid. The DOL will not accept registration applications with bids. Subcontractors and private contractors working on covered projects must register prior to commencing work on a project. Read the full memo here.

Couch White LLP can assist your business with the registration process including prior planning. We are also available to provide counsel regarding occurrences and dispositions of potential violations which may later give rise to a finding of unfit to be registered. Contact Don Hillmann, Partner and Chair of Couch White’s Construction and Litigation practice groups, for more information.