Community impact. That’s what keeps William F. Demarest III involved with Scouting BSA.
William joined the Boy Scouts as a Cub Scout in the early 1990s and journeyed on through the ranks of the Boy Scouts with a goal of becoming an Eagle Scout. 6 ranks, 24 merit badges, countless community service projects, multiple leadership positions, and one Eagle Scout Service Project later, a blood drive organized at his Troop’s church in Virginia, in 2001 William officially became an Eagle Scout.
In 2020, William knew he wanted to return to his roots and help mentor others who wanted to become Eagle Scouts, so he turned to Niskayuna Troop 3034 and got involved as an Assistant Scoutmaster. He became the Scoutmaster later that year, a position he held for two years. William is once again an Assistant Scoutmaster and serves as the Troop’s Eagle Advisor, High Adventure Coordinator, and a Merit Badge Counselor. William estimates he dedicates 10-12 hours a month to his troop. When asked why he volunteers, he shared “I enjoy working with Scouts interested in becoming Eagle Scouts because I know how committed they are to reaching this goal and that they understand the positive impact this has personally and for the larger community and the focus it takes to accomplish this.” William helps the Scouts develop leadership skills and figure out what they are passionate about through their Eagle Project, which leaves a lasting impact in their community.
Thank you, William, for giving back to an organization that helped shape who you are and inspiring the next generation of leaders.